Curso Adobe Dreamweaver CC Creative Cloud tutoriales inglés
Disponibilidad: En Stock
Código del artículo: C466
(Producto Descargable)
$3,30 Dólares (USD)
English - Duration: 10Hrs 27mins
User Level: Beginning / Intermediate
Incluye más de 10 horas de tutoriales en vídeo, el curso se completa con archivos de las lecciones, cuestionarios de evaluación y revisión de materiales. Instructor experimentado te presenta una amplia introducción a Dreamweaver CC, incluidas las mejores prácticas, así como conceptos fundamentales de Diseño web. Temas cubiertos incluyen HTML5 y CSS3 mejoras de Dreamweaver, multimedia, interactividad, y la forma de trabajar dentro de la Nube de Creative.
Mega Contenido de entrenamiento interactivo ofrece una excepcional calidad de vídeo de alta definición para enseñar los fundamentos de Adobe Dreamweaver CC.
Contenido de vídeo curso adobe Dreamweaver CC en ingles:
- Welcome
- Exploring the Photoshop Interface
- Computer - Based Images - Raster Vector
- The Photoshop Family
- Touring the Interface and Managing Document Windows
- Zooming and Navigating
- Power User Zooming, Navigating and Shortcuts
- Creating, Opening, Editing, and Saving
- Removing Unwanted Objects with Content-Aware Fill
- Using Multiple Undos and the History Brush Tool
- Mini Bridge - Review Preview in Photoshop
- Creating Seamless Panoramic Images
- Creating Panoramic Images with More Scope
- Adobe Bridge- Batch Renaming Organizing
- Bridge and the Image Processor
- Making Selections - Quick Selection Tool and Refine Edge to Remove a Background
- Content - Aware Move and Spot Healing Brush Tools
- Plug-ins, aka Filters
- Automatic Color Correction
- Cropping and Straightening an Image
- Flawless Faces
- Content-Aware Scaling
- Customizing Photoshop's Settings for
- Resolution, File Size, and Compression
- RAM, Storage, Preferences and Performance
- Arranging Panels, Switching Screen Modes, and Saving a Custom Workspace
- Arranging Your Adobe Bridge Workspace
- Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts
- Customizing Photoshop's Menus
- Rulers, Guides, and Grids
- Reviewing and Rating Images
- RGB vs. CMYK
- Importing Camera and Smartphone Images
- Importing High-End Camera Images
- Organizing, Filing and Sorting Your Images with Adobe Bridge
- Non-destructive Editing Using Layers
- Non-destructive Editing Using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)
- File Size, File Formats and Compression
- Selections- Rectangular and Elliptical
- Selections- The Lasso and Polygonal Lasso Tools
- Selections- The Magic Wand Tool
- Selections- The Quick Selection Tool and Refine Edge
- The Refine Edge for Objects
- The Refine Edge for People
- Selection Tricks for Power Users
- Removing Solid Backgrounds
- Overview of Layers
- Adding New Layers
- Layer Masks, the Key to Flawless Retouching
- Artifical Depth of Field with a Layer Mask
- Smart Filters for Editable Effects
- Black White Images with One Object in Color
- Type Rising Through an Image with Layer Styles
- Changing Object Colors Using Layers
- Using Blending Modes and Adding a Mask
- Converting to Black-and-White
- Removing Red-Eye
- Primary Retouching Tools for Perfect Images
- Lightening and Darkening Image Areas with Dodge and Burn
- Compelling Photos Using Layers
- Using the Liquify Tool
- The Clone Stamp Tool
- Cropping to Ratios, Fixed Sizes, and Resolution
- Reading a Histogram and Using the Info Panel
- Merging High Dynamic Range Images
- Puppet Warp
- What is Adobe Camera Raw and What Files Can It Correct
- Improving Color on Many Images at Once
- Adjusting Images Several Times and Converting to New Formats
- Cropping Post Crop Vingette in Adobe Camera Raw
- HSL - Boosting Color With Adobe Camera Raw
- Painting in Corrections with the Adjustment Brush
- Painting in Corrections with the Adjustment Brush as a Filter
- Creating Ethereal Images Using ACR Clarity
- Using ACR for Unique Effects on the Same Image
- Reading and Applying Metadata
- Typography in Photoshop
- The Character Panel
- Creating Character Styles
- The Paragraph Panel
- Creating Paragraph Styles
- Using Guides and Layer Groups to Perfect the Layout
- Creating Button Icons and Organizing with Layer Groups
- Creating Shapes with New Rounded Rectangle Options
- The Coolest Keyboard Shortcuts for Formatting Text
- Exporting Styles to CSS
- Introduction to Video Editing in Photoshop
- Naming Video Layers and Adding Video Transitions
- Adding Adjustment Layers to Video
- Adding a Video Title
- Using Keyframes to Make Text Grow or Shrink
- Exporting Final Video
- Creating 3D Text
- Creating a 3D Object
- Creating Hand-Painted Artwork from a Photo with the Mixer Brush
- Using Actions
- Using Blur to Call Focus or Create a Special Effect
- Creating and Applying Patterns
- Vanishing Point
- Saving Images for the Web
- Color Settings
- Preparing Press-Quality Images
- Sharpening to Add Detail Before You Print
- Printing Images
- Creating a Contact Sheet
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MiCursoDigital es una compañía de tecnología y Manualidades, que ofrece soluciones de comercio electrónico para que las personas puedan adquirir cursos, vídeos y tutoriales de forma digital, orientados hacia el autoaprendizaje.
En MiCursoDigital ofrecemos también una variada gama de materiales y herramientas con enfásis en manualidades y arte comestible, para la elaboración de Figuras en porcelanicron (Masa Flexible), Fondant, Pastillaje, Gelatinas Decoradas, Foamy, Decoración de Uñas, entre otros.
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