The Bullet Advanced Training DVD After Effects Training English
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Código del artículo: C557
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$3,30 Dólares (USD)
What is The Bullet? This training product is designed to show you how to create large-scale visual effects in an organized and powerful workflow.
Starting with the raw footage, we will build all of the necessary elements to complete this amazing visual effects shot of Sam Loya firing a gun in slow motion.”
What else will I learn?
The concepts and techniques will translate to unlimited visual effects possibilities and a powerful compositing pipeline for creative visual effects.
Do I need 3D software experience?
3D experience is not required; neither is an expensive 3D program for that matter. This DVD let’s You choose your tools such as: Cinema 4D, 3Ds Max, or the powerful free program called Blender. The Blender portion of the DVD explains the program and everything you need to know to get started. The 3D camera movement is created in the tutorials so we do not need to use match moving software with live-action footage.
What can I expect to learn?
After Effects:
• Creating elements from scratch
• Working between AE and 3D, integrating camera data
• Multi-Pass exporting and compositing
• Advanced color correction techniques
• File management and workflow tips such as pre-comp proxies
• Displacement effects and other creative uses for common plug-ins
3D Software:
• Model a realistic bullet and shell casing
• Texturing and lighting with reflections
• Animation with Null objects and groups
• How to render multiple elements for compositing
The Bullet Contains 22 Video Tutorials:
Build Muzzle Flash and Smoke from scratch:
Use the After Effect’s built-in Particle system generator to create an Impressive fiery blast as well as micro sparks.
Animate Slide Action:
Animate the subtle movement of the slide action from the perspective view for added realism.
Master the Speed of After Effects:
Uncover secrets of proxies and how to save on rendering by pre-rendering common items and comps.
Choose your Destiny:
With this state-of-the-art DVD you can choose to continue the lessons for 3D max, Cinema 4D or Blender. When you complete the 3D lessons, you will return to AE for integration and then return to the core training for finishing. It’s like 3 DVD’s in one.
Multi-Pass Rendering:
Rendering in a 3D program can take ages. You have to constantly tweak settings with every change. WIth Multi-pass rendering all of the components of the scene such as Lighting, Shadows and Reflections become individual layers in AE when you can interactively make changes that don’t take forever to render.
Advanced Color Correction:
Learn the secret of correcting specific portions of your footage as well as fine tune skin tones for natural and impressive results.
Interactive content:
With the interactive content page you can go at your own pace and finish the lessons as you go or jump around. There is also a reference page with real images of a bullet to help in the 3D process.
Built-in Help:
Common questions and answers can be found inside the web application to help you as you go.
Quick-Tips & Short-cuts:
Each program contains side notes that highlight helpful tips and commonly used keyboard shortcuts. This helps to retain information and less jumping back to remember that common key command.
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